Hi there! I’m Colleen Kaufman, the heart of CAKE Event Company. What makes me unique? I’m a doting wife and proud mommy. An entertainer and hostess with the mostess. I’m a health foodie and yoga enthusiast. Working out is a necessity for me to feel good and clear my mind. I thoroughly enjoy champagne toasts, dancing my heart out, Sunday morning snuggles and crisp rosé on a summer day. I know for a fact that laughter is the best medicine! And, I’m a firm believer that confidence, style and grace have opened up so many doors for me, both in life and love.
There are few things I enjoy more than bringing people together to celebrate life’s greatest moments. To see the smiles on their faces. The tears of joy in their eyes. The awe as they uncover all the unique little details and experience the incredible love that surrounds them. Its those intangible moments that move me and give me reason to love what I do.
1. Love with all your heart.
2. Be graceful under pressure.
3. Stay true to yourself.
4. Be compassionate, kind and caring.
5. Smile like you mean it.
6. Find happiness and everything else will fall into place.
7. Go for a run to clear your head.
8. Just breathe.
9. Everything in moderation, including moderation.
10. Always save room for cake!